Jun 17, 2024

5 Easy Chinese Vocabulary Words for Exercising (Yoga & More)

When you think about staying fit, what comes to mind? Maybe hitting the gym hard every day or taking long runs after work?

But is heavy exercise the only way to stay healthy?

Not really! Lighter activities like yoga and tai chi can be just as good for you. Plus, they often help us feel peaceful and calm.

In this post, you’re going to learn 5 simple Chinese words related to those lighter exercises. Learning them will not only enrich your Chinese vocabulary but also spark some interesting conversations with your Chinese friends.

Yoga 瑜伽

Chinese word for yoga

Yoga in Chinese is 瑜伽 (yú jiā), phonetically mirrors the sound “yoga.”

Did you know that some Chinese words come from other languages? And 瑜伽 is one of them. These borrowed words are known as “loanwords.”

Using the key term 瑜伽 (yú jiā) can expand to the following related words:

  • yoga class: 瑜伽課/瑜伽课 (yújiā kè) literally: yoga + class
  • yoga mat: 瑜伽墊/瑜伽垫 (yújiā diàn) literally: yoga + mat
  • practice yoga: 練瑜伽/练瑜伽 (liàn yújiā) literally: to practice + yoga

Originating from ancient India over 5,000 years ago, yoga is a holistic practice that intertwines the mind, body, and spirit to enhance overall well-being.

Engaging in yoga regularly unveils numerous benefits. It improves physical flexibility, strength, and posture. Moreover, yoga is a stress alleviator, reducing anxiety and nurturing a tranquil state of mind.

Qigong 氣功/气功

Chinese word for qigong

Just like how Chinese takes words from English, English also borrows words from Chinese, and “qigong” is a classic example.

In Chinese, qigong is written as 氣功/气功 (qìgōng). 氣/气 means “energy of life,” and 功 is “work with,” So, 氣功/气功 means doing exercises that help you work with your body’s energy.

Bringing back the word for “to practice,” 練/练 (liàn), from our talk about yoga, 練氣功/练气功 (liàn qìgōng) means “to practice qigong.”

Qigong is an ancient Chinese exercise and healing technique that’s been around for five thousand years. It involves movements, meditation, and controlled breathing.

Qigong can bring many good changes. It can make your body stronger and more flexible.

It can also help your mind feel calmer and more peaceful. It’s a gentle way to take care of both your body and your mind.

Tai Chi 太極/太极

Chinese word for tai chi

“Tai chi” is another term borrowed by English from Chinese, and it’s written as 太極/太极 (tài jí). This phrase literally translates to “supreme ultimate.”

In the realm of martial arts, tai chi is more accurately referred to as “tai chi chuan” (太極拳/太极拳), with 拳 (quán) meaning “fist” or representing “the art of boxing.”

This designation emphasizes tai chi’s roots in combat techniques, although it’s predominantly practiced today for its health benefits.

Tai chi involves a sequence of slow, graceful movements that serve as both meditation and physical exercise. These movements promote a serene mind and a nimble body, blending mental calmness with physical endurance.

Viewed as a descendant of qigong (氣功/气功), tai chi (太極/太极) indeed inherits much from its “mother,” reflecting shared principles of energy flow and balance.

Jogging 慢跑

Chinese word for jogging

Moving beyond ancient practices, we find jogging — a cherished exercise that offers runners a sense of freedom and ease.

In Chinese, “jogging” is called 慢跑 (màn pǎo), where 慢 means “slow” and 跑 signifies “to run.” This simple combination perfectly captures the essence of jogging: a slower, more relaxed form of running.

Jogging has become a popular way for people of all ages to stay active, offering a straightforward, accessible form of cardiovascular exercise (aka. cardio exercise). All you need is a pair of good shoes and the willingness to step outside.

It’s also a fantastic stress reliever, with many joggers experiencing what’s known as the “runner’s high,” thanks to the release of endorphins during the activity.

Skipping 跳繩/跳绳

Chinese word for skipping

Finally, we look at skipping, known as 跳繩/跳绳 (tiào shéng) in Chinese.

跳 means “to jump,” and 繩/绳 is “rope.” So, Together, 跳繩/跳绳 perfectly describe the action of skipping rope — a dynamic, rhythmic exercise that involves jumping over a swinging rope.

In some contexts, 跳繩/跳绳 can also specifically refer to “skipping rope” as an object, not just the activity.

Skipping is another form of cardio exercise that can be modified to fit any fitness level.

Unlike jogging, which is better suited to outdoor spaces, skipping can be practiced both indoors and outdoors. This flexibility makes it an ideal exercise option, especially when the weather is less inviting.

Moreover, skipping stands out for its efficiency; just a few minutes can burn many calories, making it a perfect fit for busy schedules. It’s a straightforward exercise that needs only a rope and a little space, offering a fun way to keep active.

Here you have it – 5 simple Chinese terms for exercising. We’ve covered everything from the calm of yoga (瑜伽) and qigong (氣功/气功) to the balance of tai chi (太極/太极), the freedom of jogging (慢跑), and the fun of skipping (跳繩/跳绳).

Each activity offers unique benefits for both body and mind. Now, you’ve not only learned Chinese vocabulary related to fitness but also discovered various ways to stay active and find peace!

By Chineasy | A Super Chineasian

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