Sep 16, 2024

5 Simple Ways to Make Time for Learning Chinese

Learning Chinese can sometimes feel like a daunting task, especially if you’re juggling a busy schedule.

However, regular study is key to grasping the basics of Chinese and reaching fluency.

Imagine the doors that could open for you once your Chinese improves: you could make new friends who speak Chinese, immerse yourself in rich Chinese literature and online content, and even play online games with Chinese-speaking players.

Mastering Chinese can undoubtedly enrich your personal and professional life in countless ways.

Here are five simple ways to help you stay motivated and prioritize studying Chinese routinely.

Focus on Cultivating a Habit

Imagine learning Chinese becoming as automatic as brushing your teeth. The key is to make it a daily habit.

Set a reminder on your phone to dedicate a few minutes each day to expose yourself to the language. Use this time deliberately by engaging with Chinese learning apps or working on your Chinese textbooks for 10 to 15 minutes each session.

Still feel like you have no time to sit down and study?

Utilize your “dead time” — those moments when you’re commuting, walking the dog, waiting in line, doing the dishes, or folding clothes. Listening to Chinese podcasts, songs, and audiobooks during these times can add a lot of extra hours to your studying routine.

Bao commutes to work

By consistently immersing yourself in a Chinese-speaking environment, you’ll start picking up new words and phrases without even realizing it.

Awareness leads to choice, and repeated choices become habits. Before you know it, engaging with the Chinese language will be a natural part of your daily routine.

Find a Learning Buddy or Join a Group Class

Learning is more enjoyable and effective when shared with others.

Find a learning buddy who is interested in Chinese, or join a group class virtually or offline.

Having a partner or a group creates a support system that keeps you motivated and accountable.

Consider setting up regular study sessions with your buddy, where you can practice speaking, review each other’s work, and share learning resources. This social aspect turns studying into a fun and interactive activity rather than a solitary task.

If you prefer a more structured approach, enrolling in a local or online language class can be highly beneficial.

Group classes offer structured lessons, provide opportunities for conversation practice, and expose you to different learning styles and perspectives.

Being part of a learning community can boost your confidence and inspire you to keep going, even when the going gets tough.

Sign Up for an Exam

Having a clear, tangible goal can significantly boost your motivation. Consider signing up for a Chinese proficiency exam, such as the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi; 汉语水平考试).

There is also YCT (Youth Chinese Test) and BCT (Business Chinese Test) testing available.

Knowing you have an exam date approaching will give you a concrete deadline to work towards, making your study sessions more focused and purposeful.

Additionally, preparing for an exam helps you prioritize your learning and cover a broad range of topics. It encourages you to develop a more well-rounded skill set, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

By setting this goal, you’ll also be able to measure your progress in a structured way, which can be incredibly rewarding.

Furthermore, passing a proficiency exam can open up various opportunities, such as studying in China, applying for jobs requiring Chinese language skills, or even boosting your confidence in your language abilities.

The sense of accomplishment you’ll feel upon passing the exam will be a testament to your hard work and dedication.

Book a Trip or Take a Gap Year to a Chinese-speaking Country

There’s no better way to learn a language than by immersing yourself in a place where it’s spoken.

If you have the opportunity, book a trip or plan a gap year to a Chinese-speaking country like China, Taiwan, or Singapore. This can be a powerful motivator to ramp up your studies and practice your skills in real-life settings.

listen to a podcast lesson

Immersion will force you to use the language in everyday situations, from ordering food at a restaurant and asking for directions to chatting with locals.

Additionally, being surrounded by native speakers provides countless opportunities to practice and improve your pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. You’ll gain confidence as you navigate daily interactions, and your fluency will grow as you become more comfortable using the language.

Furthermore, this firsthand experience will deepen your understanding of cultural nuances and idiomatic expressions that you might not encounter in a classroom setting.

Whether it’s a week-long vacation or an extended stay, immersing yourself in a Chinese-speaking environment can accelerate your learning and make the language come alive in exciting and meaningful ways.

Empower Yourself with Inspiring Quotes

Sometimes, a little inspiration is all you need to keep going. How about surrounding yourself with inspirational quotes that motivate you to continue your Chinese learning journey?

These quotes can provide the mental boost you need to stay committed to your studies. Whenever you feel discouraged or overwhelmed, these words of wisdom can help reignite your passion and drive to continue learning.

Here are three examples to get you started:
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Traditional Chinese: 千里之行,始於足下。
Simplified Chinese: 千里之行,始于足下。
Pinyin: Qiān lǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zú xià

This quote reminds you that every small effort counts and that consistent progress, no matter how slow, will lead you to your goal.

Rome wasn’t built in a day
Traditional Chinese: 羅馬不是一天建成的
Simplified Chinese: 罗马不是一天建成的
Pinyin: Luó mǎ bù shì yī tiān jiàn chéng de

This saying emphasizes the importance of patience and consistent effort, reassuring you that your hard work will eventually lead to success.

Never too old to learn
Traditional Chinese: 活到老,學到老。
Simplified Chinese: 活到老,学到老。
Pinyin: Huó dào lǎo, xué dào lǎo

This quote encourages you to keep pursuing your studies regardless of age or current proficiency level.

Place these quotes where you can see them daily—on your desk, as your phone wallpaper, or on sticky notes around your home. Let them serve as daily reminders that every bit of effort you put into learning Chinese brings you one step closer to your goal.

In conclusion, incorporating Chinese learning into your busy life doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By cultivating a daily habit, finding a learning buddy or group class, setting clear goals through exams, immersing yourself in a Chinese-speaking environment, and staying inspired with motivational quotes, you can make steady progress in your language journey.

Remember, consistency is key. With these simple methods, you’ll find that learning Chinese can be both manageable and rewarding. So start with the method that resonates most with you, and take that first step today!

By Chineasy | A Super Chineasian

Learn Chinese with easy! We are committed to helping make learning Chinese fun and easy by adding exciting content and new learning materials for you.

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