071 It Is Raining
Why do the English always talk about the weather? How do you say “It is raining” in Chinese?
In this episode, you will also learn how to describe different weather situations, such as raining, storm, and windy. Do you remember an important word taught yesterday? The thing you have to carry when it is raining. If you forgot, review here.
Besides weather, you can learn the usage of 下 (xià), which means “down.“
下 (xià) is widely used when getting off transportation or getting down something. For example, to get off the car, you can say 下車 / 下车 (xià chē).
車 / 车 (chē) is “car” or “vehicle.”
A quick test here.
山 (shān) means “mountain.“ So, how do you say to “go down the mountain“ in Chinese?