186 Water
Jesse from Transition talks with ShaoLan about water. Definitely, it’s a vital word to know if you are travelling in China, particularly in the summer, because you’ll be needing to drink a lot of it. It’s also important to get the tone right, because if you don’t, then you might end up saying “sleep” or “tax” by accident!
Do you prefer to drink still water or sparkling water? Is tap water safe to drink directly in your area, or do you need to filter it? Do you prefer to drink cold water, ice water or hot water? Learn how to describe all kinds of water as Jesse and ShaoLan discuss everything to do with water in Chinese!
In Chinese, the word for “water” is simply 水. This turns into the water radical氵which when it appears on the left side of other characters, usually means that this character has something to do with water!