307 Hot & Cold
Josh from Transition calls in from Taipei, where it is very hot, to discuss temperature words with ShaoLan, who is in a rather cold London! Different climates and temperatures mean that different equipment is needed, so on top of describing the temperature of the weather outside, ShaoLan also shares how to describe heating and air conditioning (see which one you need right now)! Of course, there are other useful applications for these words, such as when ordering drinks in Asia, where most stores offer a whole variety of different temperatures that you can choose from, so from after this episode you’ll know exactly how to order to your specific taste!
The words for hot and cold are 熱/热 and 冷. The character for “hot” 熱/热 has the fire radical underneath and then the phonetic part up above. The character for “cold” 冷 has the ice radical on the left side and another ice radical on the right side, so the meaning of “cold” is wrapped up in the character!!