Mar 08, 2018

ShaoLan is featured to mark the International Women’s Day by Apple

Celebration of International Women’s Day! So honored to be featured by Apple App Store’s Today.

To read the story, just open your ‘App Store’ on your iPhone or iPad, then you will see ShaoLan and the story of Chineasy.

Need a good reason to learn Chinese? How about more than a billion reasons? “There are 1.3 billion people you can communicate with, and they are becoming a superpower,” says ShaoLan, founder of brand new app Chineasy Cards.

“I would love people to reach basic literacy but the bigger agenda here is promoting cultural appreciation”

Tap the link below on your mobile device to read the story:

Also, check out Apple Podcasts to hear more from ShaoLan and the host/comedian Deborah Frances-White in a special episode of The Guilty Feminist, to mark International Women’s Day!


By Chineasy | A Super Chineasian

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